Tarattus Eve viste seg bra og dommeren likte henne meget godt. Dette resulterte i at hun ble BIR valp!
The last dog show of the year gave us great results. Judge was Günther Ehrenreich.
16 puppies and 21 adults were entered.
Tarattus Eve became best puppy!
Eminem bor hos Benedicte og Erik i Tromsø.
Tarattus Eminem entered the ring for the first time and became second in puppy class.
I am very pleased with this lovely boy and look forward to see more to him.
He lives with Benedicte and Erik in Tromsø (Norway).
Han ble andre beste junior og fikk sitt første CERT!
Moro at det gikk så bra på første forsøk.
Tarattus Dr. Dre got his first CAC the first time he entered junior class! We are so proud of him.